Friday 20 April 2012

Challenges for next year

Well my birthday is coming up on Wednesday and I will be 38 (eek)! I am still not entirely sure how that happened as I certainly do not feel much different from when I was 28.
I am planning to compile a list of 38 things to do before I turn 39 and would love some input from my lovely readers of some challenges to set myself. Some could be really simple like read a certain book while others might be a little more difficult. I know I would like to learn to sew and to start taking some conversational Japanese classes. I have some fitness and eating goals too.

So lovely readers, are there any things that you think would be great for me to achieve this year? No suggestion is too silly... I just cannot promise all of them will make the final cut!


  1. Happy early birthday! I turned 39 in Feb. I can't believe it either!

    As for challenges, how about cooking one new dish a month? Or hosting a dinner party monthly? I would also love to learn how to sew. That's been on my to-do list for years! Good luck with your list!

  2. I love Cathy's idea of cooking a new dish every month. I'd like to practice breadmaking - I really haven't been too pleased with what I have ever made. Sewing is a good one too. I leant to sew less than a year ago and I absolutely love it xxx

  3. what a great idea to make a list. can't wait to see what you come up with. are there any little trips (day trips or something more grand) that you would like to take yourself on?
